Health Science Standards
1 | 2
| 3 | 4 | 5
| 6 |
7 | 8 | 9 |
Standard 3
The student will understand and demonstrate knowledge of behaviors
that reduce the risk of becoming involved in potentially dangerous
situations and know how to react to situations in ways that help
to protect his or her health.
Middle School | High
School | Heath Standards Home
Middle School
Students in middle school who meet this standard
will be able to:
Recognize the role that drugs and alcohol play
in contributing to high-risk situations.
Analyze emergencies and respond appropriately.
Analyze appropriate strategies to avoid, resolve,
and cope with conflicts.
Identify behaviors that decrease the risk of
becoming involved in potentially dangerous situations.
Explain the need for using protective equipment
in sports and physical activity or practicing behaviors that
protect the body.
Demonstrate proficiency in basic first aid,
abdominal thrust maneuver, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Recognize and avoid situations that can increase
risk of abuse.
The following tasks and assignments might be used
to determine whether the student is meeting the standard:
- Students will role-play aggressive, passive, and assertive
responses to situations.
- Students will select examples from media (television and print)
of appropriate and inappropriate responses to potentially dangerous
- Students will role-play conflict situations to demonstrate resisting
negative peer pressure and using conflict resolution skills.
- Students will create a “flowchart” of possible reactions
to scenarios demonstrating degrees of risk.
- Students will create a plan to escape dangerous situations,
and identify safe havens and safe persons.
High School
Students in high school who meet this standard will
be able to:
Examine the influence of tobacco, alcohol, and
other drug use on performing physical tasks and making judgments.
Select ways that reduce the risk of becoming
involved in potentially dangerous situations.
Demonstrate competencies in responding appropriately
to emergencies. – Use assertiveness techniques to counteract
pressures to become sexually active. – Avoid violence through
application of interpersonal life skills.
Understand and obey rules prohibiting weapons
at school and within the community.
Understand that assertiveness and decision-making
skills are useful in resolving conflicts.
Identifying ways to seek assistance if concerned,
abused, or threatened.
Understand the role that condoms play in reducing
the spread of STDs, HIV, and unintended pregnancy.
The following tasks and assignments might be used to determine
whether the student is meeting the standard:
Students will participate in a conflict resolution
Students will chart blood-alcohol concentration
(B.A.C.) levels and the effects on the body related to body
weight and number of drinks consumed in one hour.
After participating in a discussion with a local
law enforcement officer, students will describe potentially
dangerous situations and role-play assertiveness skills with
a partner.